SJC school district superintendent explains need for budget increase at Chamber EDC Breakfast
The St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce held its quarterly Economic Development Council breakfast on Friday, Sept. 20. Tim Forson, superintendent of St. Johns County School District, shared updates about the school system and what's needed to ensure St. Johns County retains its consistent "A" score and top statewide ranking.
The school district has proposed two referendums for the November General Election ballot: one that will continue the current half-cent sales tax for another 10 years, through 2035, and another that would raise property taxes by one mill for four years. The proposed continuation of the sales tax funds capital improvements for school facilities and the millage increase would fund school operating costs such as teacher salaries and educational programs.
Forson spoke about the need for voter approval on both referendums, saying that strengthening schools is a function of a community's quality of life. He highlighted the increased demand on the county's educational system as the population grows, and the disparity in average teacher salary between St. Johns and neighboring counties. He also stated that the millage increase would allow the school district to invest in hiring and retaining high-quality teachers and staff and make St. Johns County a more competitive employer.
The school district has used the half-cent sales tax over the past 10 years to fund construction of new schools and make critical renovations to others, Forson said. Extending this tax another 10 years will allow the school district to continue making facility improvements in the face of rising construction costs, he explained.
The next Economic Development Council Breakfast will be Friday, Dec. 13, at Renaissance World Golf Village Resort. The featured speaker will be David Altig, executive vice president and chief economic adviser for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Interested attendees can register for the event on the chamber's website at sjcchamber.com/events.
Scott Maynard, senior vice president of economic development for the St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce; Berta Odom, board president for St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce; Tim Forson, superintendent of the St. Johns County School District; Isabelle Renault, president and CEO of the St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce; Dirk Schroeder, chair of the chamber’s Economic Development Council Executive Committee.