High school showcase supports students' career plans
Students and their parents recently attended the St. Johns County School District High School Programs of Interest Showcase. The event is held each year at the St. Johns County Convention Center, located at the Renaissance World Golf Village Resort.
The Programs of Interest Showcase is offered to support a student’s interests, career plans, or advanced academic needs. A student who enrolls in a Program of Interest participates in theme-related classes over a multi-year period. Approximately 56 percent of high school students in St. Johns County are enrolled in various career and technical education pathways which include the Early Career Program and 28 Career Academies. Additionally, students may participate in other Programs of Interest options such as Junior ROTC, St. Johns County Center for the Arts, Advanced International Certificate of Education, International Baccalaureate and the Early College Program.
Students and staff from each high school were available at the Showcase to provide information and answer questions about the Programs of Interest offered at their schools. Information about program requirements and registration will also be available. Any student who meets an individual program’s requirements and who can provide his/her own transportation may be approved to attend any high school, on a “space available” basis.
The St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce, JAXUSA’s Talent Division, First Coast Technical College and St. Johns River State College also set up booths to showcase programs and employment opportunities in the region.
“This is a great opportunity for us to showcase employers of all types in our region to students and parents. We realize that many people are new to this area and may not be aware of the variety of businesses and industry that exists," said Aliyah Meyer, economic development coordinator at the St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce. "There are opportunities in St. Johns County that align with every Career Academy in the district. The local employers provide students with job shadow and internship experiences while they are still in high school.”
Program of Interest applications were accepted online from eighth- and ninth-grade students residing in St. Johns County following the Showcase. Space is limited in all programs and a lottery system is utilized to place applicants. Priority is provided to students zoned for each school, as well as to active military families who have provided their status with their current school.